Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dance Recital

After five years at the same dance studio we switched this year. The switch was mainly because I wanted something closer. Sissy adores dance and would take class everyday, so I knew it wouldn't be long before she would be taking multiple classes each week. We have friends who dance at Vitoria (if you follow the link to the Vitoria homepage you can see Sissy in two of the photos) and so we decided to give it a try, and overall it has been great. There are a few bumps that need ironed out (and I must admit I stressed over a couple), but overall it is a wonderful studio. Sissy and Dittle both danced this year and they both loved it. Dittle took a ballet/tap class and Sissy took a ballet class, a contemporary class (which she loves), and was part of the Student Dance Company.

Dittle in her dance constume
(she did tap for the recital)

Sissy in her ballet costume
(I didn't get a picture of her in her contemporary costume)

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