Tuesday, February 11, 2014

At Home Update

We have been home for about two week now and since I want to be honest I have to tell yo that it has been hard. It is a different kind of hard and one that you can't truly understand until you've lived it. These two weeks have been some of the hardest I have ever been through so I can now say with certainty that international adoption is NOT for the faint of heart. 

Justin is doing well overall but his biggest challenge hands down is sleeping. Since coming home he literally will not sleep (at nap or night) unless we are either holding him or he is laying on us (next to us is not good enough - he must be in our arms or laying on us). Add in his jet lag and we are getting very little sleep, and during the week when Jason has to work I have to take on more of the night shift which has been SO hard. 

I took this pic on February 3rd at 1:21am. Justin was up due to jet leg and was playing. He loves bottles of all sizes and was playing with an empty 2 liter when he just crashed, so I covered him up and laid down on the couch to try to catch some zzz's (he slept for about an hour and a half). This was Jason's first day back to work and I was in tears that morning before he left. 

I took this next photo on February 5th during his morning nap. This was the first time I was able to get him to sleep and then lay him down with him immediately waking up. He is making very slow progress and most days it is three steps forward and two steps back.

When it isn't nap time or night time this baby is an absolute joy! He is happy most of the time and has the sweetest disposition. It is actually ironic because during his waking hours he is, for the most part, laid back and easy going, but as soon as it is time to sleep watch out!

My first attempts at trying to get a decent picture of four kids

Exersaucer time!

A certain boy is over the moon excited to finally have a brother!

The girls!

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