Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Cowboy

These pictures were taken by my sister last fall when all the kids went to the farm and pumpkin patch together. Of the four grand kids Tyler (my nephew) and Corinne are the closest in age (10 months apart), and they have always been so cute together. Tyler is the older of the two and he is such a little man with her, always helping her, taking care of her and watching out for her. Most of the time Corinne is receptive to this and goes along with it, but sometimes her independent streak kicks in and she wants everyone to know that she is perfectly capable of doing anything and everything by herself (emphasis hers). 

Here we will focus on a time when she was being sweet and cooperative because it is so darn cute, and because I wanted to make up a dialogue about what they were saying/thinking.

Tyler: Hey there little lady! Mind if I walk with you? This cornfield terrain can be mighty rough.
(and I am a cowboy after all)
Corinne: Why thank you sir, I would be honored to walk with you!
(I never could say no to a boy in a cowboy hat and boots)

Tyler: Right this way doll and watch your step.
Corinne: My this corn is high!
(I sure am glad I have a brave cowboy to escort me)
Tyler: No need to worry, I know this field like the back of my hand. You will be safe with me.

Tyler: Maybe I should take your hand so that if you fall I can catch you.
Corinne: Oh certainly, how very thoughtful of you.
(he is such a gentleman)

Then they rode (walked) off into the sunset!


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