Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nature Study...A Start

As I mentioned in a previous post...I am not a naturalist and I don't have a green thumb. I was born and raised in the city/suburb and I know next to nothing about plants, animals, and nature in general. This fact has made the nature study aspect of our Charlotte Mason based home school a real challenge for me (I should also mention that Science is not my strong suit either).

For the past few months I have been keeping my eye out for nature study helps, but I hadn't put much effort into it. Then, totally by accident, I found online what looked like a cute book and ordered it for Jordan for Easter (and it was on sale). The book is called The Cutest Nature Book Ever! and is published by American Girl. (Note: I did not order from the AG website or pay the list price.)
The book is a mini nature notebook, journal, and activity book all rolled into one. The book is very simple and basic, but it has given me a starting point and I have been on a more in depth nature study resource search ever since (more to come on my finds in a future post).

Jordan has really enjoyed the book and has done some of the activities and journal pages. The pictures below are of her making a bird's nest. I don't know if she got this activity directly from the book or if she was inspired by the book, but either way I am thrilled that we are at least on our way to nature study.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I need to do something more. We have our science curriculum but I want the girls to know, see and experience the concepts in a real life context. Way to go!
