Thursday, January 15, 2009


Although I am not a big fan of snow, my children are, so when snow appears on the ground there is the inevitable chorus of little voices asking to go outside and play. As you can probably guess, I have heard "Can we go out and play?" quite a bit in the last several days.

We had an especially good time on Friday when we went to our friend Whitney's house for some sledding on the family's backyard hill. Jordan and Whitney were all over the sled and good size hill right away, and were having a blast zooming down the hill and being stopped by the big pile of snow covered leaves at the bottom. Carson, more cautious by nature, wouldn't sled at first and instead busied himself with throwing snow. Eventually though, the fun that the girls were having was too much to bear and he had to give the sled a try. He loved it, and soon the three of them were taking turns down the hill. (During the sledding adventure Corinne was napping peacefully inside.)

On Sunday, despite the coating of ice on top of the snow, the kids wanted to go outside and play again. Corinne, having already had her nap, made it clear that she was not going to be left out and intended to go, too. They had a good time in the backyard cracking ice and making footprints, and even followed the tracks of an unsuspecting animal (the neighbor's dog) at the end of which they found a small doggy "treasure" (and I'll leave it at that).


  1. very fun!!!! Thanks for inviting us to take a look.

  2. The blog is great. We did one for my sister Kay while she was at Vanderbilt doing chemo. It's a great way for friends to comment and keep in touch. Hope you will continue it, especially since you have such cute subjects to write about. Love to all. Aunt Lisa
