Saturday, January 17, 2009


Today Corinne is 18 months old (which I can't believe) and I asked her, "Where has the time gone?" And her answer:

Every time one of the kids hits a new milestone or celebrates a birthday Jason and I look at each other in amazement and wonder where the time went. It seems to me that with the addition of our first little miracle time immediately responded by shifting into fast forward. Last month we looked at our beautiful first born and realized, to our horror, that she was six years old already! Then, what's worse, at the same time we also realized that our second born (whose first year of life is lost in a groggy sleep deprived haze) is four years old and it became clear that the fast forward speed on life increases with each child.

So, today I look at our darling last born and see an 18 month old toddler, no longer a baby, now walking and talking (mostly saying "no") and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Some days I wish I could push life's pause button, or at the very least the slow button, and enjoy the time a little longer. I insert these last pictures as a tribute to the time before; before they were 6, 4, and 18 months; before Corinne could walk and talk; before Jordan wore glasses; before Carson had hair; and before I ever wondered where the time had gone. The pictures are mostly for me, but also for those of you who knew them before.

Jordan - 3 months
Carson - 5 months

Corinne - 1 month

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