Tuesday, January 27, 2009


As many of you know, Jordan has been taking piano lessons for awhile now. She started showing an interest in all things musical at about age two, and her interest has continued to increase every year. When she turned five I started thinking that maybe we should let her try piano or violin lessons to see if her musical interest was real or just a faze. I debated between the piano and violin at first because although the violin was smaller and easier to rent, I felt that starting her on the piano would be better. Turns out, thanks to our wonderful neighbors down the street, my decision was made very easy when they offered to give us their used piano. What a blessing it was to us and we are so grateful to them, especially now eight months later with Jordan still going strong. So, we had the piano moved and tuned and Jordan started weekly lessons in late May of last year. She really seems to love it and according to her teacher she is doing extremely well. We are thrilled that she likes it, and I am so impressed with how she practices on her own finishing her assignments without any reminders. The only bad thing in all this is that Jordan's piano teacher does not do student recitals, but with this blog give me an easy way to remedy this. I can post video clips of Jordan playing the piano (mini recitals) and anyone who visits my blog can watch them. I used our camera to take the video, so I'm sure the quality is not as good as it could be and I'm trying to find a way to make them longer, but I think its enough to give you the idea. This first mini recital is dedicated to Cindy and Eric, who were generous enough to give us our first piano. Enjoy!

Mini Recital Video #1 - January 2009